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Well done to our brilliant Green Team (Year 7-9) of budding gardeners who have changed this unused plot of land at school into a beautiful wellbeing garden over this year. We look forward to harvesting the vegetables and watching the tree growth in our new school year.

Green Team

Finding Inspiration in Every Turn

Our Wisley trip


When we arrived at RHS Wisley, we walked past this amazing greenery to this beautiful, new building. At the start of the day, we walked around their international herb garden, where we learnt about different herbs and fruits, and their healing properties. We then got separated into different groups, where my group got to visit the greenhouse, which was breath-taking (everyone’s reaction was wow!). It was very hot in there, which surprised me, but I was amazed to hear about the different exotic plants they had and their importance in the World. My favourite area of RHS Wisley was the large garden we visited with these majestic sculptures.

We then got the opportunity to discuss our experiences with nature using Post-It notes and stick them on to this tree, which resembled all of our connections with nature; past, present and future.

Where I live, we do not have the opportunity to see much greenery or gardens; it is all tall buildings and a few parks, so seeing a garden of Wisley’s scale was my favourite part.

Overall, it was a great learning experience. I got to see plants and herbs that I had never heard about, whilst learning more about those that I had heard about. I also learnt to appreciate nature even more.

The trip also made me understand the environmental impact of humans. It made me think about how I can reduce my impact on the environment in the future, by re-greening the UK, and aiming to stop people building on green land.

It made me want to work in medicine, as I have seen the power of plants in their healing properties, and want to be able to make a difference in the World. But, I also learnt about the world of horticulture; a term I was not entirely familiar with before, and was interested to hear about all of the possible career avenues within horticulture.


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